Work > A fear of losing the details

a fear of losing the details
a fear of losing the details

photo credit: Henry Chan

Document shown here is of Treaty No.13, the Toronto Purchase, volume borrowed from the North York Public Library, Indian treaties and surrenders, from 1680 to 1902. The surrender of lands in the Toronto and suburban area, from the Mississaugas of New Credit to the British crowns signed initially in 1787. The contract was re-negotiated in 1805, however the agreement remained in dispute for over 200 years. In 2010, a settlement was made between the Government of Canada and the Mississaugas.

It is widely understood that the Mississaugas of New Credit held a different understanding of the agreement from the British, namely that the treaty entrusted living in harmony with the colonists, with shared access to the land for hunting and fishing. The concept of private ownership of land is distinct from the notion of territorial use, which was introduced into the area through administrative and legal techniques of the colonial project.

My family home, 25 Stonedale Placeway, is located in the land allocation of the Toronto Purchase.