Switcharoo 2007-2011
Website/ Drawings
2007 exhibited at Galerie La Centrale, Montreal
Switcharoo is a proposal in four pencil drawings to switch the locations of two monumental buildings in Ottawa; the National Gallery of Canada with the Embassy of the United States of America
With simple means the drawings suggest how the mighty powers of Switcharoo will move these monumental institutions around.
Active website of project (2007-2011) solicited proposals of Switcharoos from gallery goers and students
Switcharoo est un projet qui propose d’intervertir les lieux de l’ambassade des États-Unis d’Amérique à Ottawa et du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (à Ottawa).
Switcharoo est aussi une invitation lancée pour vos propositions d’interversion.
Switcharoo also became a Student Workshop/ Atelier Pédagogique at the
Lycée de Linstitut de l'Assomption, Paris XVIème in 2008. Students created their own Switcharoos.